The current grant amounts are in effect since May 1, 2024.

When the roof, foundation and exterior walls of your home are well insulated, they help your home resist better to cold in the winter and excessive heat in the summer. Optimal insulation also makes it easier to maintain a more comfortable indoor temperature and control heating costs. This explains why various renovations targeting the improvement of the home’s insulation are eligible under the Rénoclimat program.

The energy evaluation report that you will receive will indicate the most pertinent type of insulation work to carry out on your home.

Multiple-unit housing

Do you own a duplex, triplex or multiple-unit residential building? Financial assistance granted under the Rénoclimat program will be higher than for single-family homes. Consult the page Amounts for multiple-unit housing.

Improving the insulating value of your roof assemblies

  • Insulate a minimum 20% of the total area of your roof assembly to qualify for a grant.
  • The grant you receive will be based on your entire roof assembly, whatever its combination and whether or not they can be accessed.
  • The grant amount will be pro-rated based on the percentage of the total roof assembly that you choose to insulate.
Type of roof assemblyFinancial assistanceFactors considered in the calculation
Attic, cathedral ceiling or flat roofFrom $ 50 to $ 1,500
  • Percentage of insulated surface
  • Pre-retrofit insulation value
  • Post-retrofit insulation value
It is important to check all the required conditions by consulting the Applicant's Guide.

Before undertaking your renovations, you can consult the section on Practical advice to learn more about roof insulation.

Improving the insulating value of exterior walls

  • If you are planning to change the exterior siding of your walls, it would be a good idea to improve their insulation as well.
  • Insulate a minimum 20% of your exterior wall area, excluding foundation walls, to qualify for a grant.
  • The grant amount will be pro-rated based on the total percentage of your walls that you choose to insulate.
  • A different calculation method is used for semi-detached and row homes.
Type of retrofitGrant amountFactors taken into account in the calculation
Exterior walls insulationFrom $ 450 to $ 3,750
  • Percentage of insulated surface
  • Scale of the increased insulation value
It is important to check all the required conditions by consulting the Applicant's Guide

Improving the insulating value of the foundation

  • Insulate a minimum 20% of the basement wall area (excluding party walls) to qualify for a grant.
  • Insulate a minimum 80% of the basement’s rim joists to qualify for a grant.
  • When both a basement and crawl space are present, all applicable grants are pro-rated based on the total wall area and the insulation added.
  • A different calculation method is used for semi-detached and row homes.

Foundation with a basement

Type of retrofitGrant amountFactors taken into account in the calculation
Insulating foundation walls of the basementFrom $ 250 to $ 2,500
  • Percentage of insulated surface
  • Scale of the increased insulation value
Insulating and sealing the basement's rim joistsFrom $ 200 to $ 250
  • Scale of the increased insulation value

It is important to check all the required conditions by consulting the Applicant's Guide.

Foundation with a crawl space

Type of retrofitGrant amountFactors taken into account in the calculation
Insulating the crawl space’s exterior walls and rim joistsFrom $ 200 to $ 2,000
  • Percentage of insulated surface
  • Scale of the increased insulating value
Insulating 100% of the crawl space’s ceiling$ 500
  • Scale of the increased insulating value
It is important to check all the required conditions by consulting the Applicant's Guide.

Before undertaking your renovations, you can consult the section on Practical advice to learn more about how to insulate foundations. You can improve the insulation of your home’s foundation by insulating from the interior or the exterior based on the condition of the walls, space limitations and regulations.

Improving the insulating value of an exposed floor

Exposed floors are floors that are located above an unheated space (for example: a floor above a non-heated garage).

Type of retrofitGrant amountFactors taken into account in the calculation
Insulating an exposed floor$ 380
  • 100% of the surface must be insulated (minimum area of 14 m2)
  • Scale of the increased insulating value
It is important to check all the required conditions by consulting the Applicant's Guide.

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Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs

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