Become an energy efficiency advisor

In the residential sector, an energy efficiency advisor assesses a home’s energy performance and proposes measures to improve it.

  1. Find out about the qualifications and experience required for this type of job, as well as the accreditation required.
  2. Then check to see if any of the authorized service organizations in your area are looking for new resources, and submit your application!

Different roles for different programs

Depending on their program, the advisor may check the conformity of a new home, guide a homeowner in the choice of renovations, or give advice on everyday energy use. The required qualifications therefore vary.

Authorized service organizations

Energy advisors for residential programs must be employees of, or work for, a government-authorized service organization.

Do you fit the profile?

Why not consider this promising career!

In Québec, more than 350 energy efficiency advisors work under the Rénoclimat, Éconologis and Novoclimat programs. This employment sector is booming, and there is a need for new advisors in many regions of Quebec.

How a Rénoclimat advisor visits your home

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Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs

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