The Bureau de la transition climatique et énergétique of the ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs coordinates the application of all the programs and measures required to achieve energy targets. It also manages Québec’s energy resources and develops them with a view to sustainability.
What is the energy transition?
The energy transition is the term used to describe the gradual shift from fossil-based energy to different forms of renewable energy. It also involves changes in behaviour to eliminate over-consumption and wastage of energy while encouraging the emergence of an energy efficiency culture.
In Canada and throughout the world, roughly 80% of all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by human activity derive from energy production and consumption.*
In Québec, even despite the province’s mostly hydroelectric production system, 72% of all GHG emissions are directly linked to energy.**
Yet, with its considerable energy potential and ability to create knowledge and expertise in social and technological innovation, Québec has everything it needs to become a major player in the worldwide energy transition.
* Natural Resources Canada, Energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, website, consulted on December 16th, 2019.
** Chair in Energy Sector Management, HEC Montréal, The state of energy in Quebec 2021 (In French Only), page 44, January 2021.
The energy transition must be profitable from an environmental, economic and social standpoint. Québec therefore encourages all its citizens to join forces and work together to achieve a fair energy transition that not only meets the sustainable development goals of the Québec and Canadian governments, but also upholds the aims of international climate agreements.
To complete its energy transition successfully, Québec has focused on specific pillars:
- Energy efficiency, to ensure that everyone consumes less and better, while saving money
- Energy sobriety, to rethink our behaviour and needs and improve our quality of life in other ways
- Direct electrification, where it is possible and viable
- The use of other renewable energies where direct electrification is not possible
Programs and services
The Bureau de la transition climatique et énergétique of the ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs is responsible for administering a number of energy conversion, innovation and efficiency programs intended for the general public, companies, organizations and institutions.
You can find the complete list of its programs (on the French website only), or you can refer to the website’s different sections for detailed information on the conditions applicable to each program.
The Bureau de la transition climatique et énergétique also provides program evaluations and various results indicators for its various programs, including the number of participants, GHG emission reduction calculations, energy savings and financial assistance granted since the programs were created.
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