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  • How do I determine which residential program is right for me?

    It depends on your needs.

    • The Rénoclimat program guides you through your home renovation work to improve the energy performance of your home. You will receive free home visits from an advisor for one-on-one counselling and financial assistance based on the recommended work you will carry out.
    • The Chauffez vert program allows you to quickly access financial assistance for some energy conversion projects, that is, the transition from a fuel, oil or propane system to a renewable energy system.
    • The Novoclimat program offers financial assistance for a new construction with energy performance exceeding current standards.
    • The Éconologis program is available to low-income households and provides a simple, free service to improve the comfort of your home. It can provide you with personalized advice, light-duty work, and even electronic thermostats in your home under certain conditions.
  • I would like to renovate my home; Does the government offer this type of program?

    Yes, it is called the Rénoclimat energy-saving renovation program for homes.

    This program offers you many advantages, such as an energy efficiency evaluation, as well as advice and recommendations concerning the work to carry out to improve the energy performance of your house.
    What is more, you can benefit from financial assistance that can help you cover the additional cost of the work serving to reduce your energy consumption!
    Before you consider renovating your home, please consult the Rénoclimat section or call us toll free at: 1-866-266-0008.

  • What should I do if I am the victim of unsolicited phone calls or of a fraudulent door-to-door campaign?

    The Government of Québec would like to remind you that it does not use telephone solicitation or door-to-door campaigns to promote its energy efficiency programs.

    It would like you to remain vigilant should you be contacted by someone trying to offer you services or products in this field on behalf of, Transition énergétique Québec, the Ministère de l'Énergies et des Ressources naturelles, of the Rénoclimat, Éconologis, Novoclimat or Chauffez vert programs, or of the Canada Greener Homes Grant program. If you believe you are a victim of fraudulent solicitation, this is what you can do:

    • File a complaint with the Office de la protection du consommateur
    • Call your local police department.
    • Register your telephone number on the National Do Not Call List by dialing 1 866 580-DNCL (3625) or by visiting In doing so, you should not receive calls from telemarketers any longer.
    • Contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre at 1 888 495-8501 or visit the

    Telephone scams are a method used quite commonly by ill-intentioned people. Their objective can be to sell products under pressure to other persons or to lead them to reveal personal information. These scammers voluntarily assume the identity of persons who work for renowned companies in order to obtain information from people who believe they are dealing with real employees.

    If you have further questions about our programs, please contact our customer service department.

    You can consult:

  • Do I have to provide personal information to register for a program?

    In order to participate in a residential program, we will only ask you for common personal information: last name, first name, home address, email address, telephone, home description, etc.

    Some ill-intentioned people may try to ask you for additional personal information while claiming to facilitate your registration for one of our programs. 

    Be vigilant and do not respond to their request!

    In particular, we will never ask you: 

    • Your age
    • Your marital status
    • Your occupation or employment status
    • For how many years you have owned or rented your home

    Regarding your current energy bills

    You do not have to provide this information when registering for a program.

    Some copies of your energy bills may be requested. Be sure to include them yourself with your application when completing your form. Do not send your bill to an intermediary!

    Regarding your Social Insurance Number 

    For Chauffez vert and Rénoclimat, you will need to provide your Social Insurance Number (SIN) at the end of the process in order to receive the financial assistance you are eligible for. The SIN is only requested after the confirmation of eligibility for financial assistance.

    • For security reasons, you must never email your SIN. 
    • If you are eligible for financial assistance, you will receive instructions to securely transmit your SIN to the people in charge of the program.

    Regarding your family income 

    The total income of all home occupants is part of the eligibility criteria for the Éconologis program.

    • When you call to register with the authorized organization offering the Éconologis service in your area, you will be asked for the household income. After this verbal verification of the eligibility criteria, you will be given an appointment for the advisor’s visit.
    • Once on location, the energy efficiency advisor will ask you for supporting documents to ensure your eligibility for the program.

    We remind you that you must register for the Éconologis program yourself. Therefore, do not share this information if you have not chosen to register for the program.

  • How to choose a contractor to carry out renovations?

    If you want a contractor to carry out your renovations, a few precautions are in order. The following websites may be useful: 

    The contractor that you hire must possess a licence from the Régie du bâtiment du Québec. The licence must include the category and sub-category corresponding to the work that he plans to do.

    You can also determine whether the contractor has been subject to complaints from consumers: 

  • We received an RL-27 slip. Do we have to enter the amount on our income tax return?

    The Ministry is required to produce a RL-27 slip “Government payments” for recipients who are granted financial assistance under its programs, whether the recipient is an individual, a corporation or a partnership.

    Generally speaking:

    • If you received financial assistance for personal purposes, the amount of the assistance is not taxable and you do not have to take the RL-27 slip into account on your income tax return;
    • If you received financial assistance for business, organization or property operations purposes, the amount of the financial assistance must be deducted from the capital cost of the acquired property to calculate the capital cost allowance.

    Should you require additional information regarding the tax treatment of RL-27 slips, please contact Revenu Québec directly.

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Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs

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