Trained, certified professionals

Only specially trained builders and ventilation specialists who have obtained Novoclimat certification issued by the Bureau de normalisation du Québec may build Novoclimat homes and install a ventilation system in them.

Independent inspections

When a contractor registers a future home with the Novoclimat program, this means that the home will be automatically inspected to verify compliance with the requirements of the Novoclimat program.

The inspections are free of charge and are conducted by an independent evaluation consultant mandated by the ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs (MELCCFP), which administers this government program.

  • Initial inspection

The initial inspection occurs before the walls are closed. In addition to a visual inspection, it includes an infiltrometry test, which confirms the degree of airtightness of the home and its energy performance. The inspection is intended to detect non-compliance with the Novoclimat program and the builder is asked to carry out remedial measures, as the case may be.

  • Second inspection

The second inspection occurs once construction has been completed. In addition to a complete visual inspection, the evaluation consultant verifies air flows and the calibration of the ventilation system by means of an infiltrometer.

A certified home

You will receive a Novoclimat certificate of compliance when you take possession of your home. It attests that the home has been inspected and complies with the requirements of the Novoclimat program.

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Ministère de l’Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs

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