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Chauffez vert
The Chauffez vert program supports homeowners who want to replace their oil or propane heating system with an electric system (or with another renewable energy source).
The replacement of an oil or propane water heater is also eligible for financial assistance.
Work must include removal of the oil or propane tank and dismantling of the current fuel furnace or boiler.
Make sure that you comply with the program’s conditions and requirements BEFORE carrying out the work.
Once the work is finished, you may submit your application for financial assistance.
For professionals authorized to install and maintain oil-fired heating appliances
As of December 31, 2023, existing buildings are forbidden from replacing oil-fired heating appliances with heating appliances powered by a fossil fuel, including natural gas from a fossil or renewable source.
If you're converting an oil-fired heating appliance (boiler, furnace or water heater), don't forget to fill out the mandatory declaration (in French only).
If you have any questions, please consult the section for professionals authorized to install and maintain oil-fired heating appliances (in French only).
For owners of commercial, institutional and industrial buildings
Some buildings that are not eligible for the Chauffez Vert program may be eligible for the ÉcoPerformance program.
Check the eligibility criteria for both programs (in French only) before selecting the Chauffez vert program or the ÉcoPerformance program.
By participating in Chauffez vert, you:
- improve the energy efficiency of your home;
- reduce your greenhouse gas emissions;
- receive financial assistance;
- save on your energy bill month after month;
- prevent fossil fuel spills and soil contamination;
- free up space inside your home.
Other financial assistance
Converting a natural gas heating system to a dual-energy system
If you use natural gas to heat your home, you could benefit from financial assistance to convert your natural gas system to a dual-energy system that uses electricity as a primary energy source and natural gas as a backup source.
The procedure varies depending on your current natural gas distributor:
- If you are a Énergir client, go to www.energir.com.
- If you are a client of Gazifère, please note that the deployment of an offer for the installation of a bienergy system is currently being analyzed and could be deployed in the territory of Gazifère in a next phase. You can inform the distributor of your interest in a dual energy system by emailing
Unsolicited phone calls - Be vigilant!
More than 350 energy efficiency advisors work for the government’s Rénoclimat, Novoclimat and Éconologis programs across the province. This employment sector is growing rapidly, and there are labour needs in several regions of Québec.
Learn how to become an energy advisor now (In french only)
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